Manage your campaigns with our dedicated cloud-based tool – ad.campaign by

With ad.campaign, you can set up global campaigns across the whole range of media from traditional press across all digital platforms up to massive DOOH platforms. It’s a complete package providing tools for campaign set up and editing, specification checking from the Qmuli global database through to copy fulfilment and delivery confirmation - and it is linked to the growing PADN network for UK national publishers meaning you can link directly with the publisher’s information held for each of your bookings, so you can check correct info and get the URN!
For Global Multi-Media Campaigns
ad.campaign makes large multimedia campaigns a breeze
Links directly to PADN
see publisher booking information
Map copy directly to URN for efficient delivery and confirmation
No infrastructure needed,
skilled support staff available on demand
Cloud based system with specification data base and support team service

ad.campaign gives you complete control of your campaign delivery, sending multiple documents to a range of media with just a couple of clicks.

How does it work?

ad.campaign is a new concept that allows both agencies and brands to run global multimedia campaigns using Qmuli’s state of the art cloud-based production tools: users can create and manage their own campaigns from start to finish utilizing a customised version of Qmuli’s renowned ad.min+ production suite. Using the very latest technology, the system manages technical specifications, bookings, data and workflows to maximise efficiency and ensure you can deliver your complex media schedules on time!

Heart of the system…

This is the Campaign job summary screen, laid out for easy-to read convenience.
Colour coding highlights job progress and clicking on any of the summary entries takes you to that individual job detail page.

From left to right

Your job number and title. Colour coding provides at-a-glance job status for each job.

The job type. Print, digital, DOOH – jobs of all types can be included.

Media details. These include publication name and section as well as size of booked space.

Copy deadline and insertion date. Jobs close to deadline are highlighted.

Current job status. Easy to keep a clear eye on overall campaign progress.

Preview of the copy for that job. Also links to individual job detail page.

Buttons at base

These allow you to create jobs: 'Add job' lets you add individual jobs into system; 'Import from file' lets you batch import a complete campaign directly from a spreadsheet.


For further information, please contact Qmuli Ltd at or on 0207 278 4009