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Grimsby A4 Supp United Kingdom

Media Group: UK Regional Press (Magazine)
Media Owner: Reach Plc
Press Centre: Reach Plc
Language: English
Telephone: 020 7293 3000
Publisher Specs Document:  


One Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5AP
United Kingdom

Press Specs

  • Section :  Display/ROP
  • Contact:
  • Phone:
  • Email:
  • Repeat Email:
  • Specification: MagazineAds_1v4
  • PDF Standard: PDF/X-1a:2001
  • Colour ICC Profile: ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI).icc
  • Mono ICC Profile: Not Applicable
  • Publication Proof Curve: ISOcoated_v2_ECI_39L_PK1-2_E48_GMGsemi250_V1.mx4
  • Deadline: Please contact the publication for details
  • Min Image Res: 150 ppi
  • Min Bitmap Res: 600 ppi
  • Double Page Info: Supply as a Single File
  • Gutter Info: Standard
  • TAC (Max Ink): 300%
  • Publication Proof Required: No

Additional Section Information:

More ...

Columns Display/ROP


Size Type: N/A
Bleed Details: 0.12" on all sides
Space Outside Trim: N/A
Indesign Offset: N/A

Click on a column size below then enter height
Columns across a spread sizes in mm.

Columns: 1

Size: mm 28


*Max Column Height: 271mm

Full Page (Bleed) Display/ROP


Size Type: Trim & Bleed Only
Bleed Details: 3mm on all sides
Space Outside Trim: N/A
InDesign Offset: N/A


  • Trim Size: 210mm x 297mm
  • Bleed Size: 216mm x 303mm
  • Type Area: 183mm x 271mm
  • PDF Size: 216mm x 303mm
Extra Size Information:

Full Page (Type Area) Display/ROP


Size Type: Type Area Only
Bleed Details: No Bleed
Space Outside Trim: N/A
InDesign Offset: N/A


  • Type Area: 183mm x 271mm
  • PDF Size: 183mm x 271mm
Extra Size Information:

DPS (Bleed) Display/ROP


Size Type: Trim & Bleed Only
Bleed Details: 3mm on all sides
Space Outside Trim: N/A
InDesign Offset: N/A


  • Trim Size: 420mm x 297mm
  • Bleed Size: 426mm x 303mm
  • Type Area: 389mm x 271mm
  • PDF Size: 426mm x 303mm
Extra Size Information:

DPS (Type Area) Display/ROP


Size Type: Type Area Only
Bleed Details: No Bleed
Space Outside Trim: N/A
InDesign Offset: N/A


  • Type Area: 389mm x 271mm
  • PDF Size: 389mm x 271mm
Extra Size Information:

  • Section :  Classified
  • Contact:
  • Phone:
  • Email:
  • Repeat Email:
  • Specification: MagazineAds_1v4
  • PDF Standard: PDF/X-1a:2001
  • Colour ICC Profile: ISO Coated v2 300% (ECI).icc
  • Mono ICC Profile: Not Applicable
  • Publication Proof Curve: ISOcoated_v2_ECI_39L_PK1-2_E48_GMGsemi250_V1.mx4
  • Deadline: Please contact the publication for details
  • Min Image Res: 150 ppi
  • Min Bitmap Res: 600 ppi
  • Double Page Info: Supply as a Single File
  • Gutter Info: Standard
  • TAC (Max Ink): 300%
  • Publication Proof Required: No

Additional Section Information:

More ...

Columns Classified


Size Type: N/A
Bleed Details: 0.12" on all sides
Space Outside Trim: N/A
Indesign Offset: N/A

Click on a column size below then enter height
Columns across a spread sizes in mm.

Columns: 1

Size: mm 28


*Max Column Height: 271mm

Full Page (Bleed) Classified


Size Type: Trim & Bleed Only
Bleed Details: 3mm on all sides
Space Outside Trim: N/A
InDesign Offset: N/A


  • Trim Size: 210mm x 297mm
  • Bleed Size: 216mm x 303mm
  • Type Area: 183mm x 271mm
  • PDF Size: 216mm x 303mm
Extra Size Information:

Full Page (Type Area) Classified


Size Type: Type Area Only
Bleed Details: No Bleed
Space Outside Trim: N/A
InDesign Offset: N/A


  • Type Area: 183mm x 271mm
  • PDF Size: 183mm x 271mm
Extra Size Information:

DPS (Bleed) Classified


Size Type: Trim & Bleed Only
Bleed Details: 3mm on all sides
Space Outside Trim: N/A
InDesign Offset: N/A


  • Trim Size: 420mm x 297mm
  • Bleed Size: 426mm x 303mm
  • Type Area: 389mm x 271mm
  • PDF Size: 426mm x 303mm
Extra Size Information:

DPS (Type Area) Classified


Size Type: Type Area Only
Bleed Details: No Bleed
Space Outside Trim: N/A
InDesign Offset: N/A


  • Type Area: 389mm x 271mm
  • PDF Size: 389mm x 271mm
Extra Size Information:

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